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3rd Senior High School of Chania

3rd Senior High School of Chania is located in the region Koumbes in the city of Chania. It was founded back in 1963. It moved to its current location in 1976. In 2006 it was renamed to 3rd General Senior High School (Lyceum) of Chania.

Our school has around 350 students of age 15-18. Their gender is evenly balanced, half boys, half girls. The largest percentage, around 2/3 are interested in applied, formal and natural sciences and the rest 1/3 in social and theoretical sciences.

The number of teachers in our school is around 40, although around 30 of them are permanent and working full-time at our school.

Our school is considered one of the best in the city of Chania with many students managing to pass to Universities in Greece (In Greece the last three years of secondary education aim mainly to the final exams that lead to entering the University).

Moreover, many students of our school outstand in national competitions in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Programming as well as in Modern and Ancient Greek Literature. Our school is achieving high performance in sports, especially in team sports such as basketball, volleyball, handball, soccer etc.

However school is lacking of modern equipment and building infrastructure, since it was built back in 1970 and the budget for renovation and equipment purchase is extremely low.

Our school  is a multicultural school with many students coming from Albania, other Balkan countries, countries of former CCCP etc. Almost all of them are well embedded in the school population with rare signs of discrimination.

Foreign schools could learn much from our school!

First, getting to know a different education program and assess its advantages and disadvantages.

Second, meet and cooperate with students of other culture, exchange opinions on social matters.

Third, how with very little media, high education achievements can be achieved.

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3rd Senior High School of Chania
3rd Senior High School of Chania
Our school’s computer lab
3rd Senior High School of Chania
3rd Senior High School of Chania
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